How might we create an analytics-driven newsfeed that lets US Army users easily filter, curate & engage with relevant articles?

How might we create an analytics-driven newsfeed that lets US Army users easily filter, curate & engage with relevant articles?

"Our mission is the Operational Environment (OE). We create the conditions necessary to research it; we define it; we understand it; we apply it; and we export it. We know the enemy and make sure our customers do too."
"We know the enemy and make sure our customers do too."

G2 Enterprise OE Discovery Engine

G2 Enterprise OE Discovery Engine

GEODE, short for the G2 Enterprise OE Discovery Engine, is an article curation tool built for the TRADOC G2. Set up like a newsfeed, it uses advanced analytics to bring relevant information right to the US Army users.


With GEODE, users can customize their feeds to fit their interests, filtering articles by trends, topics, and insights. They can also curate their newsfeed, leave comments, mark favorites, and share articles.



🎖️ army
💁‍♀️ information



GEODE users need a way to quickly filter, curate, and engage with relevant articles in a personalized newsfeed that leverages advanced analytics.

Design Lead

Design Lead

My Role(s)

Product Design, Prototyping & Animation

Project Objective

GEODE began with a simple concept, but extremely complex details: A news article feed that uses advanced algorithms to curate those results to very specific users: army intelligence agents.


1️⃣ Curate news articles

2️⃣ Find relevant articles through advanced filter options

3️⃣ Craft insights and distill relevant data

research & design


Following the initial wireframes that Ryan O’Donnell created after extensive client requirements gathering, Jacob and I worked on refining final mockups and solving navigation, filtering, search, data visualization and user customization. 

Ryan laid a lot of groundwork for us, establishing visual style.
The US Army likes their security features.
Trending topics overview.

filtering that feed

In the tool, users have their own fully customizable feeds – articles and topics curated to their personalized interests and search habits. We worked with very talented engineers who developed extremely sophisticated algorithms for article curation, Patrick Cox and Chris Hassebrook. 🤖

Example article dashboard showing filtering of different feeds by topic.

advanced search & insights

We developed robust search and filtering options. 🔍


Users could search and filter articles for terms, images and videos. We also developed side drawers for insights and timeline views as well, which pulled relevant data such as key people, topics, and labels featured in that article (or image or video.) 


Also, Jake illustrated that cute little astronaut waiting for an article to be selected. 🌠


location-based articles & sources

Users could also find articles based on geotags, through a map view, and filter based on whether the article is about that location, published from that location, or both. 🗺️


From the map overview, they can open a quick article preview panel or access the full article page.


& animation!

One last thing! I got to exercise my animation skills with this one – Ryan tasked me with creating a loading icon for the app, used when waiting on search results or when refreshing a page. I really enjoyed this one. 💎
